Play on our team!
Flag Football at the Y offers a practice/play in one day per week format with a 20-30 minute practice followed by a game. Flag Football programs are co-ed and divided by age for boys and girls ages 5 through 13. We play in the winter with seasons beginning in December and playing into February. Each season begins with skills clinics for two weeks before games begin to help players get acquainted with the game and refresh their skills.
Y youth sports encourage and promote healthy kids, families, and communities by placing a priority on family involvement, healthy competition rather than rivalry, the value of participation over winning, team-building as well as individual development, a positive self-image and a sense of fair play and mutual respect for others.
Families are encouraged to be more than mere spectators, by contributing their time as volunteer coaches—as well as being their kid’s greatest fan.
Flag Football at the Y helps your child...

I believe playing sports at the Y is a great opportunity for kids to go out and have fun. Learning how to be a valuable team member, and competition, sportsmanship is so important - and that's what kids get at the Y.