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New Year Goals


SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Using this framework can create goals that are clear, actionable, and more likely to be accomplished.

Instead of vague goals such as “to get fit” or “to get healthier”, it's better to be:

  • Specific: To get stronger by lifting 3 times per week
  • Measurable: To be able to squat 120 pounds
  • Achievable: To increase my squat about 5 pounds per week
  • Relevant: Because I am coming off an injury and need to regain stability and strength in my legs
  • Time-bound: I will achieve this goal in 7 weeks.

You can apply this formula to any New Year's Resolution!

Visit your local Y to see how they can help you achieve your goals!
Have a happy healthy new year!

Category: Healthy Living